We Champion
Australian Soil Health

And the cane growers who rely on it.

Soil health starts with knowing what it needs.

Only a regular routine of strategic nutrient analysis can tell you just what you’re missing, and how much you need to apply when and at what frequency, for optimum efficiency and yield. For almost 60 years Nutrient Advantage has helped farmers and agronomists gain a productivity edge through reliable soil and tissue testing, and nutrient advice.

Get the advantage

Your Soil’s capable of
holding onto nutrients.

IPF eNpower™

It just needs some encouragement.

Keeping nitrogen available to your crop for longer – and in a form less prone to runoff, leaching and denitrification – has never been more important. IPF’s patented eNpower® formulation makes it easy and simple to get the most out of your investment in nitrogen. It slows down the conversion of ammonium N to nitrate, keeping nitrogen where it’s needed to optimise cane yield. Which is great for your productivity.

Check it out

Avoid maize yield loss from N banded near the seed.

David McRae – IPF Technical Agronomist As farming systems have developed and nitrogen (N) requirements have increased, growers and contractors have applied higher rates of N at planting/seeding time due to time and/or labour constraints. In some situations, banding high rates of urea fertiliser at planting/seeding beside or below the seed furrow has impacted germination […]

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Keep water and nutrients where they’re needed with Trigger.

Trigger from IPF is a uniform, high-quality humic acid granule that can easily be included in your basal fertiliser, meaning no wasted time with separate applications. It’s an easy way to bolster soil health, and improve nutrient and soil water retention, for peak crop performance.

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Custom blends.

Our comprehensive range of blends allows you to match the nutrients in the fertiliser to your crop requirements to maximise the value of your fertiliser investment.

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