For Australian Farmers, soil is their most important and valuable asset.
You witness firsthand the role soil health plays in driving the productivity, profitability, and sustainability of Australian farm businesses.
Our soil health test package is to help farmers better measure and manage their soil health, empowering them to make decisions that boost their productivity, profitability today while safeguarding the sustainability of their businesses into the future.
The Sustainable Advantage
Future Farm Security
Improve the health of your soil for generations to come.
Farm Management Practice Changes
Are your management practices improving soil health?
Improved Knowledge
Confirm how healthy your soil is and put a measure on it.
Don’t rely on chemical soil testing alone and understand the interactions between physical and biological elements.
Farm Resilience
Establish a baseline and benchmark your soil health to develop long term farm resilience.
Soil Health Package
The ability to measure and monitor soil’s key biological, chemical, and physical characteristics is essential to improving soil health. The Soil Health Test Package enables analysis of the interactions between all three elements and how together they impact soil health. By understanding the differences in interactions, you can make targeted improvements to their under-performing areas and increase productivity and sustainability. Our soil health test package will interpret the results and provide recommendations on how to improve those areas.
Click on each section below.
After the testing is complete, Nutrient Advantage will provide a report that includes: the test result values, the optimal range values, and a number of comments and recommendations in order to change management practices and improve soil health.
Aggregate Slaking & Dispersion
Slaking generally occurs in soils that contain low levels of organic carbon. Soil aggregates break down to form small particles, forming soil crusts which reduce seedling emergence, water infiltration and soil aeration. Dispersion (sodicity) is a collapse of soil aggregates and a separation of clay particles. This is generally caused by too much sodium (Na) (ESP > 6%), potassium (K) and/or magnesium (Mg), with a lack of soluble calcium (Ca). Soils that are well structured with good stability allow plants to develop root systems that explore the soil profile accessing water nutrients and oxygen.
Microbial Respiration
The microbial respiration test measures the amount of CO2 released from soil microbes after the soil has been dried and re-wetted over a 24-hour period. This test provides an indication of the potential aerobic microbial activity from the soil’s microbial biomass. Microbial activity affects the nutrient cycling rate, soil aggregation and organic matter formation, disease suppression and stimulation of plant growth.
Active (Labile) Carbon
Labile carbon is a fraction of the organic carbon pool that breaks down relatively quickly (<5 years). It is the major food source for soil microbes, acting to supply and recycle nitrogen, and is involved in the formation of soil aggregates. Labile carbon levels respond quickly to crop management practice changes, and it is a useful indicator of management impacts on organic matter and soil health.
C:N Ratio – Combustion Test
Carbon: Nitrogen ratio is the capacity of micro-organisms to release plant-available nitrogen and is influenced by the carbon to nitrogen (C-to-N) ratio of organic matter inputs. Net release of nitrogen occurs when the C-to-N ratio of residues is or falls below 20:1. High stubble loads and residue quality, as reflected in the C:N ratio (>20:1) can result in large changes to N supply in the soil. As the amount of N decreases in residues, microbial demand for soil N increases, resulting in less plant available N.
Trust the specialists
Our team of industry-leading soil health specialists work in what is regarded as one of the country’s leading nutrient testing laboratories, with the broadest range of National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accredited nutrient tests in Australia.
We provide Agronomists and their farming clients with professional agronomic advice tailored to their specific needs, as well as expert interpretation of results to help you make better informed agronomic decisions for a sustainable advantage.
Australian owned and trusted, Nutrient Advantage is accredited to the highest standard.

Learn more from a soil health expert
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